4 tips to boost your self-confidence
Let's talk about it with Sarah, founder of the ethical fashion e-shop Sélène Provence
Hello Sarah, First tell us about your project
Sélène Provencewas created in November 2020. The objectives? To gather clothes and accessories from French designers on the same platform who produce in an eco-responsible way and promote female entrepreneurship.
At Sélène Provence, we wanted to respond to two observations:
- Fashion pollutes a lot, and it is crucial and urgent to dress better while respecting the environment.
- The brands that create in an eco-responsible way are often young, less known, and founded by women. We wanted to give them the visibility they deserve.
Sarah, founder of Sélène Provence
Self-confidence at the center of Sélène Provence's projects
We also wanted to go further and offer free workshops as part of our Sirius Project to help women develop their self-confidence.
For us, self-confidence is the key to following through with our projects and daring to be an entrepreneur. By creating a network of committed women around our partner designers and our workshops, we hope to inspire other women to launch themselves into the adventure of entrepreneurship or, more generally, into projects close to their hearts that they don't dare to start.
Fashion is an excellent way to gain self-confidence because it allows you to express yourself, proudly wear your values, and show who you are. For us, everything is connected!
My 4 tips to boost your self-confidence
- Tip #1 - Surround yourself with the right people
The lack of self-confidence often comes from the external view of those around us. I think it's important to surround yourself with caring people who listen to you and with whom you can dare to be yourself. People to whom you can confess your doubts and fears without fear of being judged. People are willing to pull us up for each of our projects and at each stage of our life. Please think of the two people around you who best correspond to these criteria and ask their advice when your self-confidence is a little low.
- Tip #2 - Don't be afraid to ask
Whether you want to start a business or not, one common thread often unites those who lack confidence: the fear of asking for help or advice.
Now that you have listed the people you can trust with your eyes closed, think about asking them regularly for additional advice: on a project or your new fashion style, a message to send to your manager at work... The chances are that these people will be happy to give you their opinion and surround you with kindness.
In general, think about asking questions to professionals in your sector on LinkedIn, your friends, and your clients... Constructive feedback on your work or your way of being will boost your self-confidence because you will realize that you are going in the right direction!
- Tip #3 - Be easy on yourself
Many of us don't feel "capable" when we don't finish our "to-do list" in a day, don't exercise as much as we'd like, or don't check in with our loved ones enough.
This feeling of not getting it done, of not doing enough, creates frustration and can lead to a decrease in self-confidence.
So, I advise you to set achievable goals in your personal or professional life. Be demanding because you are capable of a lot, but not too much either, so as not to be disappointed. You will see: that by reaching your goals more easily, you will feel more peaceful and confident!
- Tip 4 - Celebrate the "small" victories
By regularly observing the work you have accomplished, by looking back on the road you have journeyed: you will see for yourself that you have achieved great projects in the last few days or weeks!
Tell yourself regularly that you are proud of yourself and have overcome obstacles that you did not think you could overcome. Do not forget: all the "small" victories are good to celebrate: a first contract, positive feedback from a client, a reassuring exchange with your best friend ... Think each day of 3 things you are proud of in your day and celebrate them.
My selection of Ozaelle accessories to be at the top of your self-esteem
Fashion is a great way to express yourself! Wearing a stylish jacket in which you feel good for an interview boosts your confidence, for example.
My Ozaelle favorites:
- The golden Maya honeycomb tie : I wear it like a crown and feel like a warrior, ready to pitch all my projects during an interview, an important meeting, or an appointment not to be missed.
- The golden Gaya bun cuff: I wear it high on a bun to shine in any situation. When you're stressed and lack confidence, you can tend to touch your hair and lose your cool. You feel confident and free by proudly tying your hair up high with this golden bun cuff.
- Chili red Lola scrunchie : Like a carmine lipstick that makes us feel confident, a touch of color in our hair means confidence and freedom. By placing it on a high bun and letting a few rebellious strands escape, we set the tone: we are sparkling, ambitious, and full of energy!
I hope you liked these tips and invite you to discover our selection of clothes and accessories on Selene Provence for an ethical and committed wardrobe all year long.
Written by: Sarah L.